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Project Inspire Vocational Sewing School for Women 

Rachna Satrei (RS) is launching a vocational training school for young rural women in Cambodia to improve their lives. The goal of the program is to provide 15 women from the 12 districts of Siem Reap province with the sewing and business skills that will help them to become independent and successful. Students will be selected through a rigorous interview process and in close consultation with senior community members. We are looking for young women who have struggled to find employment or are in compromised living situations. 15 trainees annually will follow a rigorous, comprehensive 1-year program to become seamstresses with practical, marketable skills. Students will live and learn at the school facilities.


This program directly addresses the problems that contribute to inequality: economic dependence, ignorance of rights and laws protecting women and children, lack of context and education about the broader opportunities, and ongoing gender discrimination in the home and the community.

With Project Inspire, Rachna Satrei (RS) seeks to empower disadvantaged women and achieve the following outcomes:

• Enable participants to satisfy their fundamental human needs and enhance the quality of their lives.

• Help women help themselves and recognize their own potential, through active participation and understanding their rights to freedom, identity, and happiness.

• Enable students while providing an avenue to change their own lives under their own initiative and actions beyond the 1-year course understand the real causes of their issues,


The initial annual training cycle was due to be launched in July 2016 but has been delayed due to lack of funding. The Pilot phase is three years with 45 students. The goal for Phase 2 is to double the number of participants. RS will sustain the program through continued fundraising as well as self-funding through sales of products made by students. The students will undergo one year of in-depth training under close supervision of the executive director. Students will live and learn at the school facility with the goal of demonstrable and marketable vocational, business, and life skills.

The program will provide training and information in the following areas:

Core Sewing Skills: Complete seamstress training for 25 16-18-year-olds per year in garment-making skills including design, patternmaking, construction, and sewing. In addition, each student will be given an industrial sewing machine at the beginning of their training that is theirs to keep

Entrepreneurship: Basic business, financial, and marketing skills necessary to start their careers or their own businesses, and to understand their options for lifetime career advancement and actualization

Life Skills: Deep education and resources in life skills, including English and Khmer literacy, leadership, civil rights, and gender-based issues like domestic violence and human trafficking to reduce their vulnerability and expand their opportunities and the lives of their children and community. Graduates will receive support with job placement or in starting their own businesses. RS will work with students to develop a line of merchandise produced during the training where 40% of the profit will go to the students, and 60% will be reinvested into Project Inspire.


 We are struggling to find financial support to buy sewing machines. How can you help?


Cost of sewing machines: $3750

Cost of Trainer and Trainee’s materials for one year: $1,450 Personal costs (Trainer,Program coordinator) $4,800

Total: $10,000.00


Payment can be made as follows:

1. Bank Transfer or tax deductible donation: Full remittance instruction can be found depending on your country of origin.

2. Cash: directly at Rachna Strei offices



For queries and planning arrangements, please Mrs Phounmaly Nhean, Exceutive Director email:

Find us:

0274 Phum Watdamak

Sangkat Sala Komreouk,

Siem Reap Province, Cambodia



+855 979647279





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