On Monday 26th Sept 2016, Rachna Satrei attended a consultation workshop for one of VSO’s projects. VSO is the Voluntary Service Overseas, a volunteer organization that fights poverty by using a volunteer force to implement development projects and also influence policy.
VSO’s project, “Strengthening CSO (civil society organization) Networks for Inclusive Development,” aims to improve the governance and accountability of civil society networks. Civil society networks are the networks of non-governmental organizations and institutions that represent the interests of citizens. Improving and strengthening them will increase their effectiveness. A further objective in this process is to encourage the promotion of public policy-making, particularly at the sub-national level.
The workshop, attended by the staff here at Rachna Satrei, was run by VSO to consult local organisations here in Siem Reap about the project and its implementation. Our very own Maly, our director, was featured as a guest speaker to contribute advice and ideas on how to implement it within the local area as well as how to make it a national success. By expanding and improving networks, we can have the strength to act as advocates for the disadvantaged and correspondingly influence public policy to really activate change in our communities.
Visit our gallery for more pictures of the event!