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Education Program
November 2014
International volunteer Priscilla donated school materials to Rachna Satrei. She donated many items, including English books, pens, pencils, scissors, rulers - anything a kid may need in class.
For the school year 2015-2016 Rachna Satrei plans to support 50 children attending primary school. The kids will be chosen among the poorest ones or those living in an orphanage from Siem Reap province.

Vocational Sewing School
November 2014
By the end of November 2014 the Vocational Sewing School Project reached its first important phase - the building for the sewing center is finally done! The building was made with the financial help of Mrs. Nhean PhoungMaly, executive director of Rachna Satrei, Minnesota Veteran Donors and Donors from Australia, Mrs. Helen Elms and Mr. Alan Elms.

Donation of children clothes
November 2014
Donors of the Vocational Sewing School Project Mrs Helen Elms and Mr Alan Elms from Australia donated baby and children’s clothes to Rachna Satrei. Mrs Nhean Phounmaly, executive director of Rachna Satrei, delivered the clothes to the Thnol Trong villages.
Field monitoring
January 2015
On the 18th of January 2015 executive director Mrs. Phoungmaly Nhean went to field monitoring with her assistant Ros Map and two international volunteers, Kelsey and Jenny. They visited the cow bank members at the villages Kol, Prey Loan, Tropaing Trum and Tropaing Trav. The cow bank members were provided a cow in June 2014 and ever since Rachna Satrei keeps monitoring the supported families.
Workshop for Strengthening CSO Networks
September 2016
policy-influence. Maly was there to talk about the project's needs in Siem Reap and how it can be implemented. project "Strengthening CSO Networks for Inclusive Development." The project aims to improve the governance and accountability of civil society networks and encourages strength in advocay and rtheiOn the 26th September, our director Maly was a guest speaker at a consultation workshop run by the Volunteer Service Overseas, for Go Maly!

Visit to Srei Snam Village
August 2015
On the 7th of August 2015, Maly, along with several staff members and volunteers, visited the Srei Snam District for three days as part of the Improving Income and Nutrition through Community Empowerment (INCOME) project. The purpose of the visit was to introduce the project to the villagers and gather their input for effective implementation. Rachna Satrei seeks to foster trusting relationships with villages in which projects are implemented in order to ensure sustained success.

Workshop for Securing Funding for Community Fisheries
September 2016
On the 27th September, we here at Rachna Satrei attended a conference set up by the Fisheries Action & Coalition Team and the IUCN environmental network. With EU delegates and others from around Cambodia, the aim was to discuss integrating natural resource management into community investment plans. Both an environmental and social agenda hopes to work to secure funding for community fisheries, to act as a form of sustainable development as well as an economic resource for future generations.

Passing on the Gift Ceremony - Women's Self Help Group
May 2017
A Passing on the Gift ceremony for the Women's Self Help Group (WSHG) was held in Snei Snan district at the Chroy Neany Ngouny Commune on May 22nd, 2017. Ninety women and eight men came out to celebrate members of our Agricultural Co-Op paying it forward to other local residents.
Project Inspire Vocational Sewing School Opening Ceremony
April 2017
The opening ceremony of Rachna Satrei's Project Inspire Vocational Sewing School took place on April 27th, 2017. We were honoured to have the ceremony blessed by local monks and attended by government officials, including individuals from the Ministry of Women's Affairs.

Farmer Field School - Women's Self Help Group
June 2017
With funding from Heifer International, Rachna Satrei recently conducted a Farmer Field School where 30-35 women from the Women’s Self Help Group in the Rosey Sanh village were invited to come share their knowledge and experiences about how to plant vegetables and raise livestock. See more

Project INCOME Documentary
July 2017
Rachna Satrei recently filmed a short documentary to record local leaders' responses regarding the implementation and continuation of Project INCOME.

Maly Phoung Inspirational Women SeriesNhean's Interview
July 2017
Our international volunteers recently nominated Maly, Rachna Satrei's Founder & Director, for an interview to be included in Megan Foo's International Women Series. Inspirational Women Series is an interview series with women across the world who are dedicated to effecting positive change in the lives of women and girls worldwide. Read the interview!

Our English classes are still going on! Our volunteers provide deep education and resources in life skills, including English and Khmer literacy, leadership, civil rights, and gender-based issues like domestic violence and human trafficking to reduce their vulnerability and expand their opportunities and the lives of their children and community. Check the pictures!