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Ninety women and eight men attended our Women's Self Help Group (WSHG) Passing the Gift ceremony held in Snei Snan district at the Chroy Neany Ngouny Commune. The members of our Agriculture Co-Op "pay it forward" with gifts of seeds, tools and livestock to new participants.

Improving Income and Nutrition through Community Empowerment (INCOME) partnered with Heifer International in 2015 and targeted 1200 families in the communes with the highest poverty rates. With strong commitments from the community, we established self-help groups. These groups provided education sessions, the formation of farming cooperatives and female-led project management. This project has helped to produce stronger, stable incomes for the families involved and continues expanding to reach more communities.

The ceremony entailed success stories told by local members, a question and answer period to address community inquiries and statements made by Maly and project leaders. After a photo session to document the occasion, Co-Op members delivered the resources to the new participating families. It was proud day Rachna Satrei, Heifer International and all those involved with the success of INCOME and our WSHGs

Visit our gallery for more pictures of the event!

Project Inspire Vocational Sewing School Opening Ceremony

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